A happy Tuesday to you!
I hope you had a lovely Easter.
I spent mine driving home from Austin.
I hope you had a lovely Easter.
I spent mine driving home from Austin.

Not the way I usually prefer spending my Easter Sunday, but the antiques and kolache stop in West made it all worth it.

We were kidless this Easter and the Round Top antique week just so happened to fall on the same week. I couldn't pass that up this year.

You know how I love Spring, right? I love it so much that even allergies don't keep me from being outside in and with the warmth, green and birds... even when I feel like I felt this weekend.

It was bad. Really, really bad.

I didn't have any tissues with me and had just one hanky in my bag, so we only made it to Marburger Farms.

But I'm okay with that, because the Farmboy bought me a lovely French, petit writing desk.

Which just so happens to still be in the back of my car.
Hello... boys? I do still live in a house full of boys, right?
Oh well. At least I can enjoy it on my way to the grocery store and cleaners.
Lol, now come one you can get a little old writing desk out of car by yourself, can't you :-)
Sorry to hear about your allergy problems, but by the looks of it you had a wonderful Easter holiday anyway.
Now, go get that desk in front of the camera, we want to see it!
what a beautiful shopping adventure.
love the collection of little clocks.
i would've wanted them all.
can't wait to see your desk!
Looks like you have be visiting some great places Alisa.
Love your photos - filled with beauty.
Hope you have had a lovely Easter too
xo Tina
I feel for you with the allergys. Mine have been awful. But now I want to see that little writing desk. I finished my little chair that will go with a little writing desk. I'll try to get it posted tomorrow. It has a crazy quilt seat in it. I had it a the art meeting one night. Hope to see you Friday night.
Hugs, Pat
Alisa, are those laces I see all wound up on those shelves? Oh my!!
Alisa, these images are beautiful. So glad you got to see some of the treasure at Marburger, though I'm sure the allergies rather spoiled some of the fun. I can empathize with you regarding those pesky allergies. Looking forward to seeing that writing desk. Feel better! ~ Angela
Gorgeous photos, thank you for sharing, Theresa
Ah, Farmboy is such a sweetie! I can't wait to see your desk! I miss Central TX this time of year with all the wildflowers coming out :( Soak it in for me.
oooooh, you lucky girl...i dream of coming to texas one day and going to all of the wonderful shows you have there...i can't wait to see your desk Alisa...sorry about the allergies...have you tried nasalcrom...i may have spelled that wrong...but, it is the best thing i have tried...my allergies used to give me fits at work...now i just take a snort of nasalcrom before i leave to go to work, and i am fine...
Yikes I feel for you girl! Do you get yearly allergy shots? The pix look wonderful though. What a dream!
Sandy xox
So Jealous!!!! :)
love the photos.
we need to get a group together for the fall. don't we say this every year??? so need to put it in action. :)
hugs, Joanna
Pretty, pretty! I so hated not to be able to go this time, but hopefully in the fall! And cool...a prezzie, worth the feeling bad eh? :D
yapping cat
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