Here's a look at February in my Project Life journal.
The 1st of Feb. was on a Friday, which I included in Week 5,
so Week 6 started on the 4th for me.
I sewed a little fabric tab onto the week card to indicate a new month.
{I did this back on January's too}
I used some of the valentine goodies I got from the dollar spot at Target.
That card on the left that I stamped Sunday wrong on has "who, what, where, when" printed on it-
it's just hard to see in this photo.
{so no, I wasn't randomly stamping words... though it wouldn't surprise me if I had}
I could tell you a little story involving the epic 1982 movie The Beastmaster,
a jealousy that spans more than 30 years and my brother's little finger.
But I'll save that for another time.
Week 7 was Valentine's week-
hence the over abundance of hearts and sugary love.
Week 8-
I thought I was going to continue the heart/love theme throughout the whole month,
but it turns out I had other plans.
{not a heart in sight}
{not a heart in sight}
Week 9 actually only documents one day.
And it wasn't even February anymore.
We spent that Saturday at the North Texas Irish Festival.
It is always greatly anticipated in our home.
A day shrouded in Irish music and Wolfhounds.
Something for everyone.
I'm still getting caught up on March,
but as soon as I have it finished
I'll share.
Dancing with Daisy. Swoon.
Lets call this what it really is...Project Daisy.
And I am good with that.
i am thrilled I made the cut.
I'm so impressed by those who commit to Project Life. Some year, maybe I will, too.
I love what you've done.
I love your Project Life! I got dog looks pretty much like yours this week. I forget what I was doing. Of course, this morning the look was, "You go ahead and leave the kitchen. I'll watch the food for you."
Dear Alisa,
A february month filled with love, sweet dogs,
cosy cups of something,
and wonderful music -
What more to wish for!!!
Hugs Dorthe
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