Monday, January 28, 2013

Inspiration {Flora Bowley}

Last summer I wrote a post about picking up my paint brush again.
What a great feeling that is.
The push that got me to that point was this lady,
I took her e-course.
A painting e-course...
makes one pause, but it worked and it was amazing.
She published a book last year as well;
I have yet to get it, but it's on my list for whenever I need that little nudge again.
If you're looking for a bit of creative inspiration
she's recently posted this great video that shows her painting process;
from blank canvas to finished painting.
Very cool.

Enjoy and have a beautiful Monday!



Leanne said...

wow. that is gorgeous.... talk about layers!!!

kandeland said...

thanks for sharing this wonderful video Alisa! I previously contemplated the e-course..glad to hear first hand you enjoyed it...will give it further consideration now...xo

cheryl.mccann said...

i took floras course last year and i am so glad that i did. i learned a ton. it has really helped me grow as an artist.