I got mail the other day and what a lovely surprise it was!

Diane sent me this sweet "thank you" package. Diane is a busy lady! Along with a lot of other different crafts, she makes these pretty pins with bits of textiles and trims and embroiders on them... they are really pretty. She also designs fabric for Clothworks, as well as, paints. Look at these watercolors! Aren't they gorgeous? Thank you so much Diane! :)
And now for the "other pretties".
Remember those little bottles my BIL gave me? Well before I left, I started playing with a couple of them.

I hit the mother load in vintage image rub ons at a garage sale last month. You should have seen my MIL and I digging through all of these boxes and spazing like a couple of kids in a candy shop. At one point I thought it was going to be a wrestling match, thank goodness she decided to share. She's one tough, old bird... I think she probably could have taken me without any problem.
I also have to show you these, because I simply love them. Remember when I bought that gorgeous old clock face? Remember how ridiculously happy it made me? (It still does.) Well, I found another old item that makes me just as ridiculously happy as the clock face.

Look at that Lemon Extract bottle!!!! I know, how can a dirty, old bottle make someone SO giddy with excitement? I don't know, but it does! As for the book, well, every time I went into this one shop I would pick it up and then eventually put it back. After doing that for months, I finally brought it home with me. I love the image on the cover and thought that some of the pages were missing so planned on using the cover in a piece of art or maybe doing an altered book with it. There aren't any pages missing on closer inspection, so I'm going to read it first... then use it.
The last little pretty.

I've been so into polka dots recently and I decided I needed a red and white polka dotted apron. I found this at Honey Bend Vintage and loved it, so I snatched it right up. It's not red and white, but that doesn't matter. It has that cute little ribbon flower and the bottom edge is scalloped... love that! So it hasn't made me cook more than usual, but I sure look darn cute in it while I am cooking. :)
Oh! Be sure to stop by and visit Jenn's new etsy shoppe, The Peony Princess. I already have!
That's it for today. Have a beautiful one!
Love that sweet little bottle with the keys... lovely work, as always. Thank you for your etsy support. Most of all, I am so happy I have found you!
well look at all of these wonderful goodies:)
love what you did with the little bottles, they look so pretty!!! i would be giddy too over the lemon extract bottle, it is a beauty:)
very sweet goodies you got from Diane
the apron from Bristol's shop is totally adorable, i love the details
Jenn's shop is really cute!!!
The little bottles are adorable! I really like the white, frosty one. I keep seeing aprons everywhere.....and yours with the rosette is charming. Hmmm, maybe I need to start wearing aprons...especially if they are that cute! Wasn't so hot today was it.....THANK GOODNESS!!
I just checked out the Magic Wand swap that you're participating in. Will you share what your wand that you make looks like when it's ready AND the wand that you get when it arrives? What a cool thing to be involved in!! Everyone needs a magic wand sometime...it can bring a smile to a rotten day :)
So much beauty upon which to feast the eyes...and I love with you've done with those old bottles. As for buying things because you have to have them simply to gaze upon them...I'm like that too...appreciating beauty for the pleasure is one of the joys of life!
Ever since I found the antique mall here, I seem to buy most everything there. I don't want shiny new things from the department stores. I want something with a little history behind it! Good for you, you talented girl you!
Everything is so very cute. I absolutely love the bottle. I might need to e-mail you about those. I have been wanting to make some but have a question or two. I was planning on using paper though... but the rub ons sound like they might be easier. xoxo, Joanna
Love all the bottles. Don't you just love Bristols shop!
Vintage Lily
Alisa, you're such a sweetie to post about the items I sent you! :-) My head is spinning looking at all the lovelies you have bought recently. The citrus collection looks like the fruit salad we had for dessert tonight! ;-) You've also posted so many pretty places to visit and I just got home from a trip and I'm spinning from that too! It looks like tomorrow I'll be visiting here and catching up! Delish-delish! Everything is tempting me!
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