Thank you to everyone who sent me well wishes on my back/butt problem! Or the "butt bug" as my friend Sherry called it. (please send well wishes her way now, the bug bit her butt... well, her hip anyway!) Much, much appreciated and I'm happy to announce that I am, for the most part, back to normal.
Speaking of sweet Sherry, looky, looky what she sent me! I won her blog giveaway!

How cute is that baby buggy and all the little goodies! The collage she made is beautiful! Thank you SO much Sherry!
I also received this Farm Chicks sticker from Tiffany!

She got to go up there, join in on all of the fun and brought back these cute little stickers and then gave them away on her blog. I'm gonna pop this puppy into my "Wishes" journal so that I'll get to go next year! :)
And speaking of giveaways, guess what? My last post was my 100th post. Thank you Joanna for pointing that out to me. :) I guess I didn't realize it, because I feel like I've only been doing this since the beginning of this year. See, that's when I found YOU... this amazing artsy, crafty, vintagey, glittery, wonderful blogging community. And am I so glad I did! Nobody in my family gets it, none of my "friends in the flesh" have ever gotten it either. Not even the scrapbookers. Talk about feeling like a black sheep! So anyway, I guess I ought to have a giveaway. I will admit, I'm a bit worried about having a giveaway... what if nobody shows up for it! I know, I'm an over-sensitive drama queen. My family tells me that all the time. But, I'm gonna do it anyway. Give me till the end of the week though... I have a lot going on right now.
Stuff like this...

My second shoppe is open for business. I am selling one of a kind "creativity kits" out of Alisa Jane's Pocket. I listed the first two kits yesterday... both blue and water inspired.

And the last little bit of goodness, but not necessarily the least, I got to spend some time working on my Write Time, Write Place Journal while the pirate spent time in the pool when we were in Austin. Yep, I drug all of my stuff for this all the way down to Austin with me.

These two pages are the inside cover and title page.
Have a beautiful hump day!
NUTS!!! i will not be here for your giveaway...can you enter me in absentia? pretty please with a cherry on top:) LOVE your pages, they are gorgeous!!! and the goodies from your win are terrific, i love that sweet planter, too cute!!! your new shop is looking good, you are really smart too, kits seem to be the hot item right now...happy sales to you!!!
I LOVE your kits! The seaside one caught my attention....I think it was the Scrabble tiles....I would have never thought about keeping those around! Glad you are feeling better, too. Isn't Austin a GREAT town?!
Congrats on opening your second shop. That is so cool. A giveaway...hmmm...I may have to come back and visit. Like I'm going to win..ha..that's a good one..but I'll try anyhow. :)
Congrats on opening your second shop. That is so cool. A giveaway...hmmm...I may have to come back and visit. Like I'm going to win..ha..that's a good one..but I'll try anyhow. :)
Alisa, I love the kits you are offering at Alisa Jane's Pocket!! They are fantastic!!
And I'm happy you like your giveaway goodies -- hope you can use them to make something wonderful!
As for your 100th post giveaway -- sounds like fun!!!
Hi! I tagged you! If you would like to play see my blog.
P.s. I will ship your giveaway win tomorrow!I will make it extra good for making you wait so long.
I love the new shop! The avatar with your two birdies is too cute!
your kits are awesome! I love the theme... they are perfect for this time of year. :) xoxo, Joanna
some very nice pictures
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