I worked on tags for Lori part of yesterday. (here's a little peek)

I have five military images, so I thought I'd make five tags... and thought I'd finish them up last night.
Yeah well, this came on TV.

So I watched it. I did have the thought that I'd just plop everything down on the coffee table and work and watch at the same time... didn't happen. I didn't move... not even during the commercials. In fact, it came on again right after and so I watched the first half of it again before dragging myself to bed. If you haven't seen this movie watch it. I have the book. One of the most sweetest ladies on Earth gave it to me six years ago, just before my farmboy whisked me away to Tuscany on our honeymoon. However, being the horrible person that I am, I started it several times and never finished it... sometimes life gets in the way I guess. Anyway, I did read enough, I think, to know that the movie and the book are very much NOT alike. (By the way, I'm stating to the universe, right now, I will read this book from cover to cover before the end of Summer!) The movie is lovely... very romantic. And in my opinion, captures the feeling of Tuscany completely. Of course, keep in mind when I was there I was on my honeymoon, so everything felt romantic to me at the time!
The movie definitely put me in a mood.
The mood to work on my honeymoon album.

One of the items on my growing list is to pack my scrapbag for the monthly scrapbook crop I'm going to tonight. So the album and all of the goodies for it will get packed today and hopefully by the end of the night I will have something to share. And speaking of sharing, on my list is baking.
The scrap group I'm a part of meets twice a month. I usually only make it to one of the crops and I'm not allowed in unless I have brought cupcakes. :) I make a different kind every month and they are always a huge hit! Don't tell, but I get all of my recipes from here. Today I'm going to make Neopolitan Cupcakes.

(photo taken from Cupcake Scrapshop)
I'll let you know how they turn out.
Alright, I guess I'm off to that huge list now! Have a beautiful weekend!
Have you heard about the blogwide Cottage Charm Giveaway? Here's what I'm givin' away...
Love your new banner -- I miss the funky rain boots but I do love this setting -- it's you!!
Love the tags and the scrapbook you're doing on Tuscany -- ah a honeymoon in Tuscany! I'd have loved that!! I have only been to Italy once and I was in Rome but would love to see the Tuscan hills.
I loved "Under the Tuscan Sun" and can't tell you how many times I watched it after I saw it in the theatre...so charming!!
Frances Mayes has written so many wonderful books about Tuscany, and one about travel around the world and she has written a novel which I thoroughly enjoyed and cannot for the life of me think of the title.
Have a beautiful weekend.
Ciao bella!!! ♥
I love your vintage military tags....perfect for summer and the 4th of July!
I haven't seen Under the Tuscan Sun yet...I need to add that to our Netflix list!
Alisa, your tags for Lori look GREAT!!! i love the way you trimmed out the bottoms...i finally finished mine to send off this coming week...i am such a putzer lately...you honey moon album looks SO pretty!!!
oooooh, your banner IS gorgeous, i missed it when i first came over d/t my extreme tiredness{just got home from work a wee bit ago}!!!
Alisa, you're so sweet. :) Thanks for your comments on my blog! I think you're about the only one, and it's so fun to have a little feedback each time (hee hee). All of your projects are very beautiful!! Your banner is awesome...
I watched the movie - loved it, and related with the character because I was going through a divorce at the same time...
I must read the book, though. By the way, the author of that book has a great Tuscan style decorating book published as well. It's fun to read about her life there from a decorating viewpoint.
Happy Sunday!!
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