Friday, September 6, 2013

A Love Letter

Dear Water Soluble Wax Pastels,
I remember when we met a few years ago.  We had some good times together.  And I also remember it was my fault our relationship came to a standstill.  I know I set you aside for other art supplies after a while. 
I am sorry for that, very sorry. 
But today I am grateful.  So grateful you were there for me in that moment of distress. 
It was background horror.  I knew it would be a lovely butterfly waltz with those Crayola markers, but it went too far, too fast.  And when I was at my greatest despair, ready to throw it all away, it was you who was there for me.  You, like a knight in shining armor coming to my rescue upon your snowy white steed. 
I don't know that I can ever repay you; you know how fickle I can be when it comes to art supplies such as yourself.  But please remember, my dearest water soluble wax pastels, though it may seem like I have forgotten you at times, eventually I will return to you.
All my love,

8 comments: said...

Funny.....I like it -- a love letter to art supplies!

Monica said...

Have you ever tried Neocolor II?
I have both, but Neocolor... oh my...

BucksCountyFolkArt said...


OK. Let me try......

Oh, carving knife
Oh, carving knife.
Wherefore art though, carving knife?
Deny thy basswood
And refuse thy strop,
For if though will not be but
sworn my love,
I'll no longer be a wood carver.

BucksCountyFolkArt said...

Though - thou

will - wilt

I think I'll leave the poetry to Shakespeare!

Photocat said...

Are those the same as the Caran D'ache neo"s? I love those but have a hard time to keep them all apart. Oil, water, gouache, very hard to a flemish speaking person to see through all the brands. If they are like the neo's from Caran D'ache I love them too. Not as good a drawer as you are, but you are right, it's wonderful material to make backgrounds and fill in with colors. We can never have too many supplies... So loving your butterflies...

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Creativity abounds around here... we love it!

Celeste Kemmerer said...

I love your butterfly picture!

karan said...

This is so amazing and awesome blog.I like it so much.
Hyde Park London uk .