Thursday, July 28, 2011

Of Spell Books and Cauldrons

Last Sunday, after saying goodbye to the last of our company, the Farmboy and I were kind of at a loss as to what to do with ourselves on the way back home.
Just as our exit came up to take us to our house, that spontaneous Farmboy veered off track and we drove up to McKinney to wander about the square.
(despite the 100+ temperature)

As we slowly tootled along, glancing into this shop window and that shop window, I was doing what I do best when alone with the Farmboy.
Babbling about every topic whirling about in my little head and then some.
As we came to a stop, waiting for the light to tell us we could cross, I came to an unexpected silence.

And then I exclaimed,
"OH!  I need a cauldron!"
The Farmboy blinked.
"And maybe a couple of spell books too."
Another blink.

Luckily he's used to odd out bursts of this sort.
And being the good Farmboy that he is, helped me search and find a couple of books that will beautifully hold some spells
(plus a mid to late 1800s ledger)
and even a humongous cauldron.
(well, it was actually an antique candy making kettle)
However, just as fast as he found it, I decided that maybe I didn't need a cast iron cauldron after all.
I have a better idea instead.......

Monday, July 25, 2011

Right Now....

I think our revolving front door has come to a stand still.
We've had family in and out visiting for about 3 weeks now.

It's truly been fantastic.
And now this morning I seem to be having a little trouble getting back into the swing of normal-ness.

I was able to sneak in some journaling time here and there.
And as much as I love my family, I'll admit, it was tough to walk away from that book at times.

I think I'm finally ready to make Journal 2 from the Full Tilt Boogie class.
Hoping that will happen this week.

Have a beautiful Monday!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mid-Summer Update

At the beginning of June
I said this is what I would do during the summer.
And this is what has actually happened so far.

I have not really spent any time relaxing...
in fact I almost feel busier with all the family we have had and will have coming to visit
(but they are worth it)
I have listened to 4 books
(Audible is awesomness)
and have actually read one and now on the down hill side of Under the Tuscan Sun
(which I am loving)
I have not finished a single WIP
(nor even touched one)
I have not taken a single nap
(but I did come really close the other day)
I have not completed an art journal cover to cover, but at the rate I am going I might

I still have loads and loads of past photos to process in order to get caught up on my 365 photo project.
However, I am participating in Natalea's July in Photos challenge
(and am only one day behind.... at the moment)
and my other 365 project, I haven't even thought about
The only thing I've baked is a chocolate cake (from a box) for the MIL's 74th birthday
(cuz that's what she wanted... not cuz I'm a crappy DIL)
I have not cleaned out any kitchen cupboards
(but I did take everything off of the tops of them and purged)
I have not stitched a sampler
(but my fingers are SO itching to!)
I have not made a quilt
(I am still very inspired to.  Especially after seeing these blocks... though mine will not be this elaborate)

How has your summer been going?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Right Now....

I am in
Full Tilt Boogie!

I've been journaling during every spare moment I've had.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Full Tilt Boogie

Last month Debe and I were talking about journaling.
I mentioned that I thought Mary Ann Moss' class Remains of the Day looked like a really cool class and I wondered if it was still available.
Debe had taken it and told me that I needed to take it.
That it was fantastic.
And that coming from Debe (as Debe doesn't even journal) made up my mind.

A week or so later, I actually remembered that conversation.
However, I found that Ms. Moss was offering up a new class.
I signed up immediately.

Boy, am I glad I did!
I gotta be honest here, folks.
It's been a while since I've really enjoyed and learned new techniques from an online art class.
And that Mary Ann Moss is a hoot!

This is my first completed journal from the class.
I used what I had on hand, which was beading string.
I won't be doing that again.
Next time I will actually make the trek outside of my home to get what I need.
I just dont' think it's thick enough for a visible binding.
Lesson learned.

Now I'm gnashing at the bit to start filling the pages, as well as, start making the next journal.
If you journal I suggest you check it out.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Just Hanging Around

For me there is just something happy about garlands and buntings and hanging decorations in general.
Maybe it's the association of celebrating.
Whatever it is, hanging bits of pretty make me smile.

When I first joined Pinterest, one of the first boards I created was called Hanging Around.
I have pinned all sorts of hanging things....
fabric, shells, rose petals, globes, paper, ribbon...
you name it, I've pinned it.

The last time I went to Canton, I saw a sweet little garland created from doilies.  This garland also had letters hanging from it (I can't remember what it spelled out), as well as, baby shoes, ribbons and bits of this and that.  It was pretty, but not quite what I wanted.  So before we left I made a second stop (I had already purchased a huge bag full of textiles) at the linen lady's booth to pick up a handful of doilies in just the right neutral shades.

This was so insanely easy to make!
I took several yards of seam binding and simply folded the end of each doily over it and ran a zigzag stitch across the doily and seam binding to secure it in place.
Easy and pretty, to boot.