The sampler has actually been finished for months now.
And while I was stitching it, I decided what I would do with it.

A pillow.
I thought a pillow would be the perfect something to turn it into.
A pillow for a certain somebodies.
Who happen to live on a certain beach.
Of a certain island.

Certainly the best function and place for it.
PS. This is the first pillow I've ever made. It's really not much different than making a sachet... which I've made lots of.
PPS. Note to self: use smaller piping next time... sheesh!
No don't use smaller piping next time. This makes it look unique and I love it. Love the fabric too! But am in love with the sampler itself.
Great job someone living by the beach is going to be very happy.
Wonderful idea, beautifully done. but honey, I don't live on the beach! that's okay, I will enjoy it anyway...
I love it the way it is! It is absolutely Beautiful!!!! Wonderful work!
Are you talking about me? I don't live on an island but I'm going to one real soon! Ha! I love the colors, they are beautiful and so is the piping and the sampler. Great job. Now, you'll have to make more!:)
It´s beautiful Alisa. Love the stitching.
Beautiful pillow.....love the piping!!!!
So sweet, Alisa! Unique too. No one else will have one like this.
Hugs, Diane
Alisa, the pillow is simply adorable! I think that you did a great job & i wouldn't change a thing!
Alisa, such beautiful handiwork! Your stitching is divine, and the piping....well, I adore it. The whole creation is perfect. I suppose you might just hand deliver it to the island dwellers and stick around for a while? ~ Angela
It's beautiful Alisa - the fabric for the border is just perfect with the colours and style of the turtle - Love it!
Alisa, your first pillow?!! fab, I do hope there will be many more, I love it! mx
This is your first pillow? It's fabulous girl!
first pillow? well, it's pretty perfect! I love what you did, Alisa! And I like the big piping.
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