It's been raining almost non-stop for a few days and the temperature has dropped some. That Autumn feel is beginning to emerge.
I'm ready to go to the State Fair, eat a Fletcher's corn dog and a funnel cake and watch the pig races.
Football season has started... we are three games in and Homecoming was this week.

Photo taken by the Farmboy.
Remember my "Summer To Do" list and my "Summer Reading" list? Let's recap, shall we?
On the "to do" list I think I managed to do about 4 1/2 of those items. And on the book list, I read 5 of them from cover to cover, started one and am halfway through another.
Hmmm, I had good intentions, but then again there was that unexpected health issue, so... I guess we'll see what Autumn brings.
Have a beautiful Sunday!
there's always tomorrow..
have a blessed sunday~
wow...homecoming already? Seems like it was always in November when we where in school. Oh well, I guess things change! Great photo! :D
yapping cat
And I thought we were the only ones around who already had autumn weather, it is decidedly chilly here and not quite as sunny as I would want it to be. A chill is in the air and the evenings are getting shorter day by day. With the kids settled into school for one month already, summer seems long gone for us. I miss it still! I too had planned to get so much done during the summer, but the days got away from me too, and like you said, my intentions were good. :-) I think I will start a new list, an autumn list, and see how I do until winter's arrival, and there is always the chance to start a winter list then. :-) Debby
It never seems to end...the lists that is ;) Fall is a great time to get settled in for the winter and read those great books! Cute pic!
Oops. Didn't intend to delete my comment. New at this blogging thing! Alisa, thanks for visiting and leaving at comment at my new blog. I'm glad to find you here at your beautiful blog. Love the photo, such cute subjects! Your artwork is beautiful ~ I'll be back to check in and see what you're up to. I hope you continue to feel well and that Silver Bella is great fun. Come back and see me soon ~ Angela
I love the picture of your socks in front of your boots! It feels like fall already here in Canada as well. The State Fair sounds soo fun!
Even though summer is my favorite, I just love this time of year! Good luck with finishing your list! Love this pics!
It's getting chilly that's for sure.
I love your socks, gee they are cute and the picture of the kids, it's great!!
boo hoo, summer is ending, but I love fall, so I am happy!! where did you get your darling socks????
xoxo, Tiffany
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