That's right, today is a snow day. Okay, well maybe not a "snow" day per se. We really don't see many of those around here, but it is icy enough that our little world has shut down. At least until this afternoon, when it all melts.

But still, I'm happy. School is closed for E and my Farmboy couldn't leave for Austin, so I get a whole day at home with both of them.

So today will be a day of hot Mexican chocolate with sprinkles, a fire in the fire place, pajamas and chili (contributed by the MIL).

Yep, all of that good stuff, in addition to, trips outside to see how far one can slide across the back deck and how many kung fu kicks you can make before slipping and falling down on your bum.

What do you and yours like to do on snow/ice days?
I like to use snow days (rare) to create. Something about the cozy atmosphere just makes me want to stith and knit.
Enjoy yours!
I played on Flickr all this morning, doing things to add to some of my photos. Posted a few on my blog today. It was nice staying in pj's until noon today...but, man!, it's still cold out there!! Ya'll are having a big pot of chili.....sounds good! I think I'm about to go make a big pot of homemade speghetti sauce for tonight. It always makes the house smell so good! Stay warm...
I heard about Texas on my Canadian radio station this morning and thought of you! They said it was pretty bad! Glad you and yours are home safe and sound together.
anyone looking out there window where I am would have thought it was a snow day, but to my surprise it wasn't! there were about 6 accidents on my way home but luckily I made it safe and sound and now I'm cozied up at home! Hope you had a fun day, xox
What an absolutely wonderful way to spend a cold day! :) I'm glad you get to spend some time with your family.
My favorite thing to do on cold days is to get in super comfy clothes, get under the covers with my munchkins & read them books. SO much fun!
YOU had WAY more fun than me! I am doing my sales tax return that I thought (key word thought) was due by the end of the month. NOT! Upon looking it was due on the 20th so........ there goes an extra $54.00 Bummer! Glad you got to stay home safe. Stay warm. Hope to meet you Saturday at Stephanie's house
we had a real snow day...a foot of snow to be exact...i did some creating today...your day sounds very nice!!!
Hee,hee..I liked the visual of sliding on the porch and falling on your butt! Today was a snow day for us as well so we just lounged around in our Pjs, read books and order food. Tonight we'll probably watch a movie. BTW, I was surprised you know about TUT?!?! Looking forward to seeing your Valentines ornament too....Sandy xo
Love the pictures....I miss icicles....:)
we love to sit under the covers and read together. but now the girlies will want to work on their "crafts" , no doubt.
{thanks for making my day!}
Alisa, love the polka dot boots image. So simply graphic!
Gosh, look at all these young and pretty faces here that posted. I think I'm the Grannie in the group. ;-)
great pics. I like to stay inside with my favorite decorating or garden books and visualize warmer days :)
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