Along the collar seam, as well as both the cuff seams, there is a length of smokey gray velvet ribbon. It's high quality velvet ribbon... thick, lush, a perfect shade of gray. Quite simply, it's lovely.
Immediately the little artist sitting on my right shoulder said, "I wonder if you could use your seam ripper to carefully remove that velvet ribbon and still leave the new shirt in tact."
The little Mama sitting on my left shoulder tsk'd and said, "Shame on you! You would really consider tearing apart your child's brand new clothing, for a bit of frippery?! Would you really stoop that low?!"
The little artist purred, "Really what would be the harm? If necessary, after you remove it, you could always run down to the fabric shop and find some regular binding to replace it. And anyway, it's not like he doesn't have other shirts. Come on, you know that velvet would look stunning on the altered book you are working on."
The little Mama gasped, "For Shame!!!"
I'm a bad Mama.
I'm going to side with the bad Mama and say, "No one's going to see it anyway on the inside of his collar & cuffs. It's so beautiful it should be shown!" I know, I'm not much help. :)
OK, which Mama won? I am guessing not the Art Mama... See, I too am a Mama & we always do the right thing for those baby boys. :) My baby boy is 32 years old & at 6'8" tall & 412 pounds... he doesn't look like a baby but, trust me...they are ALWAYS our baby boys until they put us in the ground! Nothing changes that bond. Not age, distance, life. They are simply our heart walking around outside of our body. Thanks for the visit. I didn't realize that the Art Jounral was another Sommerset Magazine. Oh the money I spend on Sommerset is obscene as I am sure you & the other girls do too. Have a great day!
hee hee:) i have been known to rip buttons off of shirts i am wearing if they are pretty and i need one in a pinch...there is not a THING wrong with what you did!!!
He would never appreciate that lovely strip of velvet the way you do. I'd do it!
Laughing in my chair because I can just picture you standing their with the shirt! Did you do it? Still thinking about it I bet...it could be a cute story for him to tell his kids when he's older..you know, how his artistic mom would steal the ribbon from his clothing...
So which Mama won? :D
Ha! No Shame!!! You go girl!
LOL! That's the funniest thing I've seen today. Thanks for the laugh!
oh, pretty ribbon is so hard to resist.
I would be a bad mama too! Boy's don't like velvet anyway !
What have to see what you did with the ribbon! If I touched that shirt with a seam ripper or scissors, there would be no repair. Hats off to you! You are brave!
What a HOOT!! I love it! Thanks for the laugh. You cracked me up!!
What a HOOT!! I love it! Thanks for the laugh. You cracked me up!!
but the velvet....ooo the velvet :)
Ohhh.... Alisa have you really done it???????? Woehaaa.... what a story! But I understand your whole dilemma! And who will miss that beautiful ribbon on the inside? Now mama can go on creating and crafting, WITH beautiful ribbon!
LOL!! Love it!
Great Posting "bad momma!"
Oh, How funny.. I have found myself doing the exact same thing.. I guess it is the artist in you.. what a shame to hide such beautiful velvet inside a shirt collar.. Heck, just rip it out and replace it with something else.. Have a good weekend.
So funny l could just picture myself doing that,but a girl has to do what a girl has to do.
Have a great weekend best wishes Pat
Why not? Art is wherever you stumble upon it.
LOL! How HILARIOUS, Alisa!!! I am NOT the ONLY ONE! I have so done this with my 11 year old daughter's bling on her clothes!!!! ;P
Love it!
What a wonderfully funny post. Now I will know where to come when I need to have a good chuckle for the day! :-) So glad that I found this blog. Lovely pictures, a real way with words, and a fabulous sense of humor. It is no wonder you have so many followers. Greetings from Germany, Deborah
Omg you have me laughing! I bet he wouldnt even notice!
good mama! all for arts sake! i bet he won't even know it's missing!
xo heidi
So, what did you do?
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