I am a list maker. I make lists for EVERYTHING. I even make lists for lists. Balances out the constant chaos inside my head. ;) So weekly planners are a thing of love for me. I can write little mini lists everyday for every week for the things I need to do and places I need to go and I can do it all in one marvelous place.

And seriously! What a place this little planner is! It's gorgeous and functional.

It has this fantastic accordion file folder in the front. You can bet I'm gonna use that! And it is FULL of Anahata's amazing art work.

Inspiration with every turn of the page!
WOW! That is a beautiful planner! I almost wouldn't want to write in it. LOL.
I LOVE it! So beautiful...
That really is beautiful! i think if I used a planner as lovely as that I might actually be a little more organized.
that planner looks yummy!!!
I'm such a huge fan of her things, and was tickled to find some at Sample House. It's just so pretty.
Yummo! I love her stuff. There used to be a store in McKinney that carried her stuff but, of course, they went out of business too.
Vintage Lily
It's pretty. So much better too than having lists on little pieces of paper that we lose!
That is a beautiful planner! I have tried so many planners and never keep them up. I should try again!
That is a beautiful planner! I am such the 8 1/2 x 11 kind of girl. I like to punch those holes in all my paperwork & add it to the planner so everything is in one place. Maybe I will try to dress mine up a bit so it will be pretty like yours. Happy New year.
Ha, I thought I was the only one who makes lists, lists and more lists! For me too it´s a way to organize all the things that a running through my head! It´s a lovely album!
I love notebooks and lists. I always have a spiral with me. I love paper and pen, no Blackberries for me!
I had to wean myself off of lists for a while because it was making me super crazy overwhelmed! But, I am getting back on the wagon and keeping my lists to a doable size!
Alisa, Hum??? I sure could use a beauty like that, especially this year with a November wedding for my Noelle! Could you please pop by?? I need a little help with a vote! Lori
Wow... that is a thing of beauty. My husband is always after me to make lists.... but it just isn't in me!!
Love the journal/datebook! everything Papaya! is gorgeous- I'm lucky enough to have a few local stores that carry it!
xo n
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