Yep, the Christmas holiday has been very nice indeed. Different than normal, but good. I do have to admit that it didn't really feel like Christmas, but I'm sure that's because this is literally the first Christmas I have ever had where I didn't see my parents. Despite that, it was good... very low key, but good.

We had all three kids with us the week prior to Christmas (uninterrupted). Even Pretty Lady was able to get off of work, for a few days, to come spend some time with us. We hardly ever get to see her anymore, so that was great.

Most of the crafting time I had, before the big day, was delegated to Christmas gifts.

But I did manage to work some more on my shadow book that I started in Teresa's class at Silver Bella. It's not quite done, but it's almost there. I do plan on finishing it this week.

I only managed to make one of the Comfort and Joy projects, this one, but I've been thinking. I'm really enjoying my Christmas decorations, so I might leave them up for a while longer than usual. And since they are up, I might as well do some of the decorative projects to add to what I have. I know, I really should get a head start on Valentine's Day, but I wouldn't be me if I wasn't behind on something. So....
My Farmboy and E made my day on my birthday. The Farmboy kept telling me how sorry he was, because he didn't have time to get me a birthday present. That was perfectly okay with me, because I know how ridiculously busy and stressed out he has been due to work. Regardless of how many times I told him it was okay, he just kept on apologizing. That probably should have tipped me off, but he does always try to make my day a special one by making sure he is here (even if it means nearly killing himself driving to get here) and with a gift in hand. I'll admit, I love getting presents as much as the next girl, but what I really look forward to on my birthday is a big ol' nasty chili cheese burger from Scotty P's and then a movie with my boys after my belly has been filled.
Back to the actual day at hand... before we headed out for said nasty burger, it was decided that I would open my gift from E. It totally made me tear up! It was the new Taylor Swift cd. Not normal listening for me, but let me explain. A few weeks before, I just happened to hear her song "Love Song". Being the sappy romantic that I am, I loved it, then downloaded it to my iPod and then proceeded to play it repeatedly, nonstop every time I got on the computer. Now seriously, the boy is 16 and he is a boy, and the crazy part of this story is, he took note of it and then acted on it. That boy is going to make some very lucky lady a most wonderful husband someday! Yeah, I might be just a little biased, but I think it's true.
So after that, I went to get my coat and when I walked back into the room there was the Farmboy with a gift in hand. That stinker lied to me and in a very BIG way. I opened it to find pearls! Remember this post? I didn't know it, but he read it. I adore the pearls, they're gorgeous, but his reading that post is the most touching part of the gift.
A couple of days later Captin' Davy Cannonswine came home and presented me with another touching gift. A candle holder that he, unbeknownst to any of us while it was happening, deliberated over (making sure to pick the perfect one), then haggled over and then purchased from a booth at the craft show I did several months ago.

Seriously, spoiled rotten... that's what I am.
Two days before and on Christmas eve we went over to my BIL and SIL's house for dinner. They fed us quite a bit and quite well last week... gotta love that!
Santa brought the kids Guitar Hero World Tour.

Every single one of us have been playing it and loving it! Y'all didn't know I was a drum diva, did ya? And the big guy came through and I received the soldering iron that was on my Christmas wish list.

Some real play time with it is scheduled for this week. I can't wait!
Christmas night, after all the kids went to their other parent's for Christmas, my BIL and SIL came over to our house, more food in hand, and we rocked out some more.

"Rock Star Brothers" on their debut tour!
The day after Christmas all of my siblings came over for pizza and beer (and more World Tour fun). The Little Bug, my niece, pull out a new game she got and we played it too. Good times!
Yesterday was my Farmboy's birthday.

We went out and celebrated it while the kids were here. So yesterday we stayed in our jammies and he laid on the couch and played the new Tomb Raider game he got for Christmas. I sat with him and helped him figure out where to go and what to do, while working on Valentine's Swaps. We only moved from our warm, comfortable spots when it was necessary. It was the perfect day.
I hope your holiday has been as lovely as mine.
I guess I've stalled long enough... house cleaning is calling. Have a beautiful week! I'll see you in the new year!
Happy belated birthday!!! It certainly looks like you had a great one! Those pearls are gorgeous!!
Alisa, it sounds like your birthday was lovely...your pearls are gorgeous...and i think it is SO sweet that all of your guys made sure to get you something really special:) i can't wait to see your soldering work!!!
I can't wait to see what you do with that soldering iron. You're so inspiring! Happy belated birthday.
Pearls for a pearl!
hi alsia ~
so glad you had a lovely christmas ~ wouldn't be great without loved ones and a few tears (of joy!)
wishing you all the best in the new year!
xo heidi
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