The first award is the Tree of Happiness Award. My sweet friend Diane gave this to me.

This award says...
"You have just received the tree of happiness. It is scarcely
a small plant, which depends on you to grow firmly and strongly.
Plant it on your heart, water it with your smiles and kindness,
feel the aroma of it's flowers, savour the sweetness of it's fruits
and protection under it's shade with whom you love."
I now have to share 6 things that make me happy (this is the hard part... there are a whole lot more than 6 things that make me happy):
1. Life
2. My Farmboy
3. My children
4. Creating
5. Being able to spend all day creating if I so wish it.
6. This awesome blogging community
Now I will nominate 6 people to accept this happy award (okay, no, this is the really hard part):
1. Joanna for listening to me babble all day long, every day. (She is sporting a new look by the way, and I personally think it looks marvelous!)
2. Dawn because her sweet giving-self totally rocked my world this morning in an email!
3. Natalea because she let me join her swap and she is so giving too.
4. Sherry because you are a good friend and I believe that trees can help us find strength and peace when we need it.
5. Whitney because our friendship began here and has grown very strong and beautiful just like a tree.
6. is for anyone else out there in blogland who would love to have this award. There isn't anyone I've met who has not passed on a little happiness to me in one way or another.
Award number two also comes from Diane! This one is the Blogging Friends Award.

Here are the rules:
1. Use the Twinks Bank icon
2. Nominate 5 other people only
3. Four (4) nominees have to be dedicated followers of your blog
4. One (1) has to be someone new to your blog and live in another part of the world.
5. You must link back to whoever gave you the award.
I nominate:
1. Lori since the first day she read my blog, she has left a kind words for me.
2. Jenn whom I am so glad for having met this past summer.
3. Allie it's always a pleasure to read her comments.
4. Brenda she has jumped right in to my little world and always leaves words of wisdom for me and I appreciate it very much!
5. Elly I have just met Elly through LolliShops and linked her up today. Her blog is really so fresh and inspiring. You know, it reminds me of a breath of Spring air. I know that probably sounds corny, but I really truly believe that.
Award number three is from Natalea. In all of her sugary sweetness, she has given me the E is for Excellent Award.

Really, I think every blog I read is excellent, otherwise I wouldn't read them... right? But 5 must be nominated so:
1. Karin OMG, she cracks me up!
2. Tiffany OMG she cracks me up too!
3. Brenda again with the cracking up. I really like to laugh, can you tell? It all goes back to that "happiness" thing.
4. Wanda there are a lot of reasons here, but if for nothing else, her blog has a rating of "genius"! I'm hoping some of that rubs off on me.
5. Sadie because Sadie has and is doing the most excellent job when it comes to LolliShops!
Whew! I think I'm all awarded out, but I really do feel honored. Thank you everyone!
Oh Alisa, thank you so very much!! What a beautiful award too, I love what it says...You're a sweetheart for thinking of me and I humbly accept this award from you ~ (((hugs to you))) xxoo, Dawn
Thank you so much Alisa for the award! And for thinking my blog is "excellent"! YOu are a true sweetheart!
your friend, Tiffany
You deserve all those awards! Congratulations on obviously being a friend and inspiration to so many others, and thank you, again for passing another award to me. I have enjoyed getting to know you as well and enjoy your blog and art very much. Thank you Alisa.
thank you, chica! I enjoy talking to you each & every day. I just hope you dont keep me up all night with your babble when we are in Omaha. he-he JK xoxo, Joanna
Alisa, I love the way you call your hubby "the farm boy".
thank you so very much Alisa- I will pass it on next week!! I appreciate it! xo natalea
Thank you for being so kind! I too love to laugh. What's a life if you can't laugh? I feel so sorry for people who have no sense of humor. How on earth do they make it through without seeing the glass as half full, and the rest is air filled with funnies...
congrats on all your awards:) and thanks for passing one on to me!!! you are a sweetie and i do love visiting over here
i am so glad that you found Elly, she is such a doll and her blog is a delicious piece of eye candy...i have asked to move into her house...LOL:) isn't it beautiful? she has such a great style!!!
You are so deserving of these recognitions Alisa...and I thank you for recognizing me and your touching comments. The tree of life -- that is something that I truly cherish.
Owwww.... Alisa!!! Thank you sóóó much for your award and lovely words!!! I hardly couldn't believe I've got this beautiful award from you!
And congrats to you, what a great awards you've got! You deserve them!
Hugs, Elly
You so deserve all the awards given to you! And thanks so much for mine!! :)
Thank you so very much for your sweet thoughts and the award! It's true - you'll always be a special blog-a-lishious friend to me. It would be so fun to attend a workshop sometime and meet...I'll pass the award along. Yahoo!
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