(photo taken by my dad)
I've been gathering, washing, writing lists, and trying to figure out how I can bring my studio contents with me.
With baggage check-in fees, I was informed by the Farmboy that we would be having only one check in bag (the ginormous dive bag) and that everyone would have to pack their clothes in carry ons. Including me! IS HE KIDDING?!!! Seriously... for one, he knows how I pack and for two, he should know by now that my carry on is always for holding art supplies (non sharp ones) and books and magazines. Lucky for me, I was gifted at birth with the talent of puzzle solving. So I think I have figured out a way to pack both the boy's stuff, my stuff and re-pack Farmboy's stuff so that I can have my carry on properly packed just the way I like it and he gets his way of only having the one check in.
I have also managed to down size my clothes. Evidently there are only three things to do on this island. Dive/snorkel, relax on the beach and drink rum, so I don't need to bring six pairs of shoes and five skirts along with all of my shorts and capri pants.

You know, looking at this picture I realize two things. The color of those shirts pretty much sum me and my closet up and I seem to have a Somerset addiction problem.
I picked up this little scrapbook from the dollar bin at Target the other night.

My plan is to take it with me and have each of the family members collect something from the island each day to put into this little book. Then I'll do all the artsy stuff to make it pretty and voila... a lovely little family vacation memory book. See why I need to bring all of those supplies with me? I also wanted to work on my art journal while there and then after seeing Jenn's embroidery, I now want to do some of that there too. I guess we'll see what I actually manage to get done.
Au revoir my friends... see you in a couple of weeks!
Well, isn't that sweet, honey. You get to relax on an island and I get to sit here with workers-who-won't-put-the-toilet-seat-down and a dog-who-pees-in-my-shoes! I'm kidding! Have a wonderful time. And as for the packing, you sound like my husband. He thinks he has to take everything. You should see his closet. Everyone jokes about the fact that he has all the closets filled and has a ridiculous number of shoes and I wear shorts and t-shirts. (Wouldn't you if you're going to get peed on, puked on and pooped on by pets?) I would love to see you and he try to travel somewhere together! But you're a puzzle-solver, and alas, he is a doctor. Which means he makes life-threatening decisions on a daily basis. But cannot (at home) think his way out of an open box!
Have fun! xoxo, Brenda
A couple of weeks? Have a FANTASTIC trip. Oh, by the way, my husband not only brought home the Somerset Life magazine he ALSO brought home The Art Of Personal Imagery! I love that man!! Will be reading it thouroughly while at the lake this week. Will miss you. Can't wait to see the vacation memory book when it's complete.
I wish you a happy happy holiday!! Have fun fun fun... and oh - by the way... I have a Somerset addiction too! Gets expensive doesn't it!!
Glad to hear you are about packed and ready to go. We will probably be at the airport in time to pick you up, but if we are a little late don't panic. just walk down to the baggage claim area. A nice lady there will give you free samples of Cruzan Rum.
Remember here in St Croix if you are 45 minutes late for a meeting then you are probably 30 minutes early.
Tell Farmboy the air tanks are full and we will be under water by 5:30 PM.
Alisa, have a wonderful time on your vacation!!! LOL on the packing descriptions, too funny...your memory book is a wonderful idea and i'm sure you will make it as pretty as can be:)
Nice - very nice. Relaxing on the beach and drinking rum . . . now THAT's a holiday I can sink my teeth into. And not having to worry about what to wear? Yeah, that's nice. Enjoy every minute!!
And PS . . .I have that same addiction to Stampington publications (no smiles)
I'm sorry, I had to come back . . . I need Allie to contact me and let me know where she got a husband that knows how to go out and pick up the latest issues of Somerset Life and The Art of Personal Imagery?! I might just get married again if I could find a man like THAT! LOL
Alisa, I see I'm not the only one who has to bring art supplies too! One thing I noticed about your pile of clothes...where's the undies?
Have fun! Bring back lots of creative ideas!
I found that awesome "dude" in Austin, Texas and married him 21 years ago this September. But I have to let you in on a little secret...ssshhh....he's had some training through the years *wink* :) Wouldn't trade him for the world!!
Have a simply marvellous time!!! I'm sure you will...talk about an idyllic vacation!!!! Enjoy time with your family, collect those memories and you're right -- you don't need all those clothes -- a bathing suit, a few changes (I'm sure there's a washing machine there!) and some reading material...you've got it.
Looking forward to hearing (and seeing!) all about it when you're back.
AND...how cool to be at the airport and given free samples of Cruzan rum...you'll be "cruisin" before you leave the airport!! :)
I really adore your new banner as well. It's fitting since you are taking off to a carribean location (i think it's carribean, i am awful at geography). I think your idea is fabulous about collecting things from your location to include in your super cute scrapbook. Have fun!
Have fun!~ I poppe dyour apron in the mail
A couple of weeks? I'll have so much bella stuff to tell you when you get back. :) Have fun!!! xoxo, Joanna
Alisa, Oops may have missed you but thank you so much for tehe award! As soon as i can i will pass it on! I am so bad about these lately! Have a spendid vacation and could I ask a big favor? Please have a drink with rum for me and a dose of sunshine too!! Love,Lori
have a good vacation
You get to attend Silver Bella!!!!???
I'm jealous!
Great blog! I checked out your Etsy...such a wonderful earthy inspiration!
Thanks for dropping in on my blog. I'm not sure if I trailed back to you or not. My time on the PC is a wee bit spotty of late!
I'll drop in later!
Nice to meet you!
Have a wonderful time!!! I love the t-shirt photo. Looking forward to your pictures.
Karen at Ciderantiques
Thanks for adding the LolliShops button!
Have fun on your trip!
We're gonna miss you around here!
Alisa, We're missing you! Hope you are having a wonderful vacation and getting a gorgeous tan!
Hello, friend! Have a glorious sun shiney, sand on toes, rummy-fun vacation! I'll read (and re-read) all of my Somersets and think of ya...
How fun! I've never been to that Island.. I know what you mean about packing. Not easy living out of a suitcase.. but, hey, you could always tell him that if you don't bring it- you'll have to buy it.. That always gets mine to let me bring as much as I want!! I can't get enough of Sommerset Magazine either.. love it!
Have a great time..
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