Friday, April 6, 2007
Studio Friday, April 6
Part III of the new SF mini series looked at from an artist's perspective in a different angle and light: "The Seven Deadly Sins"
This week's topic for Friday April 6th: Sin #3: GREED!
This is an ugly one as well....uuuuh! What is it you are greedy about or feel greedy about? Is it material or is it a behavior? Are you greedy for emotions? Do you hoard? How do you want to change for the better? It can be small steps or do you rather take a big step to change?
Even though I only work maybe 6 hrs. a day, even though the boy goes to his dad's for 2 days every week, even though the man doesn't get home from work usually no earlier than 6pm, I never seem to have enough extra Time. Time just for me. Time to sit in my studio and create. Even though I sit in my studio every day and create, it's never enough Time. If asked to do something during my Time, you better watch out, I might bite.
*The mask was bought in Hawaii and given to me by my sister*
Ooh! Time, that's a good one. I'm with you on that. I feel like a whole life time wouldn't be nearly enough for all I want to learn, try, accomplish...
I never even though about that but you're RIGHT! I am greedy with my time too. I get so little of it to myself that when I DO have it, I use it to the full extent!!
What a great take on the topic!!
~Have a great weekend~
Not having enough time is need some for responsibilities, some for relaxation and regrouping and some for being creative! That's a lot of time!
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