
Monday, January 6, 2014

Oh, Hello!

Happy January!
How was your December?
Mine, packed full.
And it was good.
Except for that one day...
{I almost dragged the tree outside and set it on fire in the middle of the road}
you know, just one of those days.
The other 30 were great.
And January has started off pretty well also.
I am, however, very much ready to put 2013 behind me.
When I look back on the year in its entirety, it was a little too gray and somber for my liking.
I have grand plans for 2014.
Plans full of art and more blogging and some Italian even.
Now your turn.
Tell me what you have in store for 2014!


  1. First, I LOVE that photo of you and your two faves! Wow, what a great picture!

    I share your optimism for the year. =) 2013 was a very very very hard year. I'm glad it is now The Past. I have plans to Finally, after many years planning, opening my Etsy shop. Which means starting the year with a flurry of creating. So many things are different and better this year already. 2014 will be good indeed.

    I look forward to your posts, Alisa! Your work is always outstanding and so inspiring. Happy New Year to you!

  2. Love the portrait!

    I'm hoping to stretch myself this year. I have plans, big ones and little ones, but too fragile to share quite yet.

    Wishing you a sensational 2014 full of colour.

  3. What a terrific portrait. Love it. Happy 2104. Happy to hear from you here -- I was just thinking about you.
    No great plans for me....just keep on doing what I do...lots of mail art in 2014...and collage...

  4. Don't you two look ravishing. Finn looks like his own self of course. Love the little brown vest. Hah, my big project for this year is to come and live in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Designing paint plans and moving furniture in my head. And of course, finish some books inbetween saying goodbye to family and friends... It's probably the biggest plan I ever had in my life! Aaaccckkkkk....

  5. I absolutely LOVE this photo Alisa. Such a beautiful couple.


Thank you for stopping by! You and your comments are more appreciated than you know. Have a beautiful day!