Saturday, October 30, 2010

We Need Your Vote

Happy Halloween!

We don't have kids who trick or treat anymore.

But we do still carve pumpkins.

In fact, every year we have a pumpkin carving contest.

This year we drew names to see who would team up with who.

But now, we need your help in judging!

So tell me, which do you like better...
Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas on the left
The Count from Sesame Street on the right.

Please leave you're vote in the comments.
(time to come out of the woodworks, my lurker friends)
We will be counting votes until midnight Halloween night.
Thank you SO much!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Gilded Gathering

This past weekend I attended
A Gilded Life event.

I'm not sure that "gilded" is really strong enough of a word.
But what I do know, is that these two women, Debbie and Shea, were definitely cut from the same bolt of velvet that I was cut from, when it comes to the importance of the little things.

Their attention to detail is truly amazing and inspiring.

Although I didn't get any photos of the classes,
I did capture a little of their world.

So step through the looking glass with me, into the wondrous and beautiful world of the Gilded Girls.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fair Day

Once school starts back
and the first week of September rolls in,
I start looking forward to the State Fair.

I always have loved the fair.

I love the bigness of it.

I love the crowds.

I love everything there is to see

and everything there is to do

and everything there is to eat.

I love the memories it brings back.
Memories that span from last year, all the way back to when I was kid.

Fair Day makes me happy.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

After the Weekend

The Farmboy and I spent the weekend away.
The Farmboy had a wedding to shoot.

That meant the boys were left here at home.
So needless to say,
as soon as I put my house back in order
I will be 'round to see you.

Have a beautiful Monday!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

On Ruling

*sigh*... ruling the kingdom can sometimes be such boring work...


I hope your weekend isn't boring.
Ours won't be!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

All Hallows' Eve

The tag group had another swap.
This one was hosted by Wanda
and the theme was

Lots of layers here.
All sorts of papers, cheese cloth and lace
with a generous amount of bee's wax and a touch of Glimmer Mist.

Oh, and an owl of course.
Because that seems to be what I'm all about this season.


Monday, October 4, 2010

Book Review (it's a long one)

Way back, at the beginning of the year,
I made a reading list.
I picked one book to read
for each month of the year.

Here is where I stand with it now.

The Friday Night Kitting Club
I read this book in January.
It started off alright. I could take it, but I couldn't quite leave it.
But then it surprised me and by the time I was half way though,
I realized how badly I really wanted to find out what happened with all of the characters.
Most of the time I only have a chance to pick up a book at night,
once I've climbed into bed, and then I read until my eyes shut.
Which is usually pretty quick.
However with this one, once I was hooked, I gave myself a whole day off just to finish it.
By the end, I was sobbing and I really loved it.

Sense and Sensibility
This was February's book.
I didn't read it.
(although I have read it before)
In fact, I didn't' pick up another book until the very end of March.

The Dubliners
I've read James Joyce, just not the Dubliners.
Til now.
Dark, sooty, oppressive.
I hated it, even though his words flow so well.

The Sugar Queen
I read this book in a day, just like I did with her first book.
And I hadn't intended to.
(I don't think the boys got fed that night)

A River in the Sky
This wasn't on my reading list.
But when Elizabeth Peters puts out a new Amelia Peabody book,
I snatch it up and inhale it.
There is just something about Amelia that I LOVE.

The Wednesday Sisters
I don't know why, but for some reason I didn't think I would like this book.
But I loved it!
And again... tears.

Little, Big
I've been trying to get to this book for years!
Once I started it, I realized I had actually already started it... I don't know how long ago.
This time I finished it.
I liked it, but it did take me three months to read.

Under the Tuscan Sun
I put this book on my list every year.
And every year, I don't read it.
I think I've finally figured out why though.
The movie is one of my favorite movies and I know that the book and the movie are nothing alike.
So I think that's why I won't read it.
But if you have and you think that I should, please tell me so.

The Russian Concubine
Just last week I got to chapter 10.
I gave up and put it back on the bookshelf.
It's killing me. I'm afraid I might be missing something great (although nothing much had happened by chapter 10), but I just couldn't do it any longer.

The Body in the Big Apple
I started it two nights ago and will have it finished by the end of the week at the latest.
I really like this series. Quick, easy, fun reading.
And I can't wait to try the pork recipe given in the back of the book.

So, there you have it.
If you've read any of these, I'd love to know your opinions of them.

Have a beautiful Monday!

P.S. Thank you all so much for the "re-opening" love. Y'all are the best!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

It's a Grand Re-Opening!

Thanks to the encouragement of a dear, little mouse,
I am re-opening my shop.

I have a handful of new hand bound art journals and some assemblages.
I've also listed a ton of inventory from some past shows,
all marked half off.

Now, I'm off.
I have to go finish up a swap
before that same dear, little mouse
pulls rank and has me court-martialed for being late!

Have a beautiful weekend.